Festival diary: Michelangelo string quartet

(A guest review by Marcus M.)

Arriving five minutes late, sweaty and out of breath I ran to the balcony entrance of the Queen's Hall, and gave my politest smile hoping the lady would allow me to sneak in quietly and wait at the back. No such luck. All four movements of the Haydn came and went I was struck by how the lead violinist was somehow not only able to cut through the sound of the other three quartet members, but also two sets of wooden doors.

Mihaela Martin not only generated a sound which has the caustic ability to slice through solid furnishings, but also sound clean, thoughful and smooth. In the Mozart, when I was finally allowed into my seat her virtuosity was obvious. Perfect even runs played effortlessly and long slow passages played with a very rich tone.

Although the quartet had good synergy, it was quite clear that Martin was the star. The repeated phrases from the other instruments never seemed to quite match the clarity of hers, and although both Haydn and Mozart both require good balance, it was still a pleasure to listen to her seemingly solo violin playing, accompanied by a much-dwarfed string trio.

I also very much enjoyed the warmth and comfort of the elderly lady who was sleeping against my right hand side. I never did get her name.

(29th August 2005)

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