The Jazz Centre: Colin Steele quintet

Colin Steele has always stood out for his ability to combine Scottish folk music and jazz, which creates an immediately recognisable sound. There could be no doubting the joie de vivre in the performance, the nonchalance of the musicians belying their concentration (and vice-versa). That said, it was a shame they frequently carried away and forgot they were playing in a small venue with amplification: toning down the volume woud have done no harm.

The nature of the improvisations varied according to the instruments featured, the saxophonist favouring more outlandish harmonies and ever higher notes which contrasted oddly with Steele's own finely-wrought moments in the spotlight. Both, however, were outdone by Dave Milligan's musings at the piano. All in all, a fine - if over-loud - evening.

The Colin Steele quintet returns to the Lot (4 Grassmarket) at 7:30pm on 24th-26th August. Phone the Festival Fringe box office (0131 226 0000) for details.

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